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What to do when constipated?

What to Do When Constipated

There are three steps you should take when constipated. The first step is for anyone currently suffering from constipation. Steps two and three help to reduce its occurrence in the future, preventing your discomfort and injury caused by stool sitting in the colon.

Boost the Metabolism

How Metabolic Enzymes Boost the Metabolism

Metabolism gets a lot of attention for its connection to body weight. People with higher metabolisms find it easier to stay slim, trim and toned, which is why the market for metabolism boosters is so big. Weight loss is only one benefit of a metabolism booster though.

intermitent fasting

The Powerful Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is great for weight loss! Do a Google search and you’ll find plenty of stories (like this one) about how people who turned to intermittent fasting, or “IF” for short, have lost weight.

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