A lot of herbs and nutrients can help detox the body. If you’re looking to do a thorough detox, you don’t just want those that help – you want the ones that will deliver real results.
How to Safely Lose Weight – and Keep it Off!
Weight loss promises often focus on speed and ease. The trouble is, fast and easy weight loss can be dangerous. Even worse, speed and ease often feed the behaviors that led to weight gain in the first place, leaving you at risk to put the weight right back on!
10 Benefits of Plant-based Digestive Enzymes
Plants are unique. They contain the enzymes needed to break them down for digestion. If you take an apple fresh from the tree and start chewing, it releases enzymes that go to work breaking down its sugars and fibers.
Best Exercises for Weight Loss
You’ve seen the pictures. Online, on TV, or in a magazine, someone promotes their ‘best exercise for weight loss’ with those before and after pictures. In the one on the left, they look like they need to lose weight.
The Powerful Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is great for weight loss! Do a Google search and you’ll find plenty of stories (like this one) about how people who turned to intermittent fasting, or “IF” for short, have lost weight.
The Connection Between Metabolism and Your Health
Fitness and health experts talk all the time about boosting the metabolism to burn fat, lose weight and stay healthy. This begs the question, what exactly does metabolism have to do with your health?
Are Digestive Enzymes Good for You?
Many people today, especially in the U.S., have started supplementing with digestive enzymes. They take them to ease gas, bloating and indigestion. Some take them to reduce inflammation.