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Whats relieves gas and bloating?

What Relieves Gas and Bloating? 10 Tips for Quick Relief

Feeling gassy and bloated happens to everyone, especially with age. It’s unpleasant, but knowing it’s going to happen is good. It allows you to take steps to prevent or at least limit it.

how to safely lose weight and keep it off!

How to Safely Lose Weight – and Keep it Off!

Weight loss promises often focus on speed and ease. The trouble is, fast and easy weight loss can be dangerous. Even worse, speed and ease often feed the behaviors that led to weight gain in the first place, leaving you at risk to put the weight right back on!

Lentil Salad with avocado dressing recipe

Lentil Salad With avocado dressing

Lentil salad with avocado dressing. It is vegan, delicious and very nutritious. we are going to give you the ingredients first, then we are going to tell you how to prepare this vegan ecipe and finally.

boost your immnune system naturally this flu season

6 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally this Flu Season

Flu season is here. Are you ready? Even as health officials promote the flu vaccine, they know there’s a small chance it will help. We’re not saying you shouldn’t get it – you should always work with your doctor or health care provider to decide what’s best for you.

metabolic enzymes

Metabolic Enzymes: Your Body’s Natural Anti-inflammatory

Inflammation afflicts so many people today it might be hard to believe that your body naturally produces the best anti-inflammatory in the world. They’re called enzymes – specifically metabolic enzymes. Of course, this prompts the question.

Almond Cream Cheese Recipe

It’s very important that all types of nuts are germinated before using, in that way you can absorb better the digestive enzymes in them, amino acids and you eliminate the inhibitory enzymes that can cause inflammation.

Recipe smoothie almonds and coconut with algae

Ingredients: 1 cup of coconut water 1/3 cup of soaked almonds 1/3 tablespoon of cinnamon powder 1 Date (optional) 2 Stevia packet 1 Capsule of algae infused.


10 Benefits of Plant-based Digestive Enzymes

Plants are unique. They contain the enzymes needed to break them down for digestion. If you take an apple fresh from the tree and start chewing, it releases enzymes that go to work breaking down its sugars and fibers.


Mexican Quinoa Bowl

1. Serve cooked beans (germinated) with nopal and grilled onion with a pinch of salt. 2. Grill or marinate strips of sweet pepper of various colors with garlic, tamari sauce, dill and coriander. 3. Marinate Portobello mushrooms in squares with salt, tamari sauce and pinch of cayenne pepper.


Recipe Matcha Green Tea Ice Cream

Ingredients: ½ cup of coconut water. 1 ½ cup of ice. 1 cup of pinions. Maple honey or stevia to taste. A pinch of vanilla powder. A pinch of cinnamon. 1 tbsp. of Matcha green tea.

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VeganRecipes by AlidaVegan