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What Does Colonics Mean?

Colonics cleanse the colon by flushing it with water or with a specially formulated solution. You may see the term refer to a procedure required before a colonoscopy or surgery. It can also describe the alternative cleansing therapy…

Bowel Detoxification

The terms detox and cleanse are often used interchangeably. Yet, they really describe two very different processes. Both have value. In fact, you should plan regular cleanses and detoxes. How you schedule them, how you do them, and which you need most depend on many factors.

Detox vs. Cleanse: Which do you need?

The terms detox and cleanse are often used interchangeably. Yet, they really describe two very different processes. Both have value. In fact, you should plan regular cleanses and detoxes. How you schedule them, how you do them, and which you need most depend on many factors.

What is Colon Hydrotherapy Treatment?

Otherwise known as colonic irrigation or colonics, colon hydrotherapy involves flushing water through the colon (aka large intestine) to clear it of waste build-up and clean it. Colon hydrotherapy may be used to prepare patients for certain medical treatments.

Does your colon need cleaning? Find out now.

Does your colon need cleaning? Find out now.

A natural bowel cleanse can do wonders for your health. But does your colon need a good cleansing?
If you are suffering from constipation, the answer is a definitive ‘YES!’ The backed-up waste of constipation can cause serious problems if you don’t get it cleared.

4 Myths and Facts about Detox Drinks

Detox drinks are all the rage. You can find these drinks all over the market with claims that they remove toxins from your body, treat a range of health problems, and aid in weight loss. But do they work?

Natural Detox – Why Cleanse Infused is a Good Choice

The condition of your skin is an excellent determinant of health. As the largest organ in your body, your skin will let you know if your body is suffering from too many toxins from either your diet or your environment.

What is Colon Hydrotherapy? And Does It Help to Detox Your Body?

Colon hydrotherapy has been around since pre-history, and its use has been linked to ancient civilizations including Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece. In 16th-century France, patients were asked to hold a solution of honey and herbs in their colon for two hours…

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