A colonoscopy could save your life. This medical procedure allows doctors to find and remove early signs of colon cancer before it becomes a problem, take tissue samples, or capture images of the inside of your colon.

A colonoscopy could save your life. This medical procedure allows doctors to find and remove early signs of colon cancer before it becomes a problem, take tissue samples, or capture images of the inside of your colon.
Colon cleansing has gained popularity in recent years as people are becoming more educated about their bowel health. But what exactly is colon cleansing, and what does it feel like when you do it?
Your colon, otherwise known as the large intestine, is where waste from the food you eat ends up before it leaves your body via a bowel motion. This waste sits in your colon while water is absorbed. Bacteria that live in your intestines break down what is left.
A clean and healthy colon (aka your large intestine) means more than just regular bowel movements. Being able to “go” regularly is, of course, a relief that most of us take for granted – at least until we get backed up and experience all the related discomforts.
A colon cleanse aims to clear your digestive system of built-up waste, toxins, and harmful organisms to support a healthy colon and promote better overall health. Your colon, another name for the large intestine, plays a vital role in how you feel, think, and live.
Constipation and lifestyle diseases are on the rise. Today’s busy lifestyle, modern diet, and stressful work life makes it hard to keep everything balanced. Your body is made to remove toxins and waste efficiently, but it can be hard to keep up with our lives today. As a result, our health suffers.
You probably experience bowel movement problems and other stomach upsets now and then. You might also feel yourself too familiar with the feelings of discomfort, sluggishness, and poor appetite that often happen when your regular bowel movements become disrupted.
Lazy bowel syndrome is a term that describes slowed, weak or stopped muscle movement in the colon that results in waste moving slowly (or not at all). It’s also known as atonic colon or colon stasis.
There are three steps you should take when constipated. The first step is for anyone currently suffering from constipation. Steps two and three help to reduce its occurrence in the future, preventing your discomfort and injury caused by stool sitting in the colon.