The best way to kick-start your digestive system and start getting the nutrients you need!
Together these formulas will work wonders for your digestion. Digestive enzymes, magnesium peroxide, probiotics, and prebiotics supplied daily guarantee better digestion and nutrients absorption.
Flora Infused: The complete probiotic system that combines 13 probiotic strains with essential enzymes
Cleanse Infused: Made with oxygenated magnesium and essential herbs for a complete colon cleansing. It helps re-establish bowel movement and reduce constipation.
Digest Infused: Formulated with essential digestive enzymes to easily break down fats and carbohydrates.
- Non-GMO
- Plant-based 100%
- 100% Preservative-free
- Scientifically-formulated
- Made in an FDA-Certified facility
- GMP Certified
A complete digestive enzyme matrix for maximum digestion of proteins, carbs, and fats.
Supports The Immune System
May Support Your Overall Weight Management Plan
Get Relief From Acid Reflux
Supports Prostate Health
Experience Better Overall Living
Includes 21 Plant-based Digestive Enzymes!
Llevo un mes tomando estos suplementos y transformaron mi vida intestinal y hasta de energía, me encantan, son mis favoritos, si se siente un antes y un después.
The best!!
I've been taking these supplements for a month and they've transformed my intestinal life and energy, love them, they are my favorite, I've felt a before and after
Mi esposo estuvo tomando muchos antibióticos lo cual hizo un desastre en su sistema digestivo, todo lo que comía le
Caía mal. Le compre todos los productos y no puede estar más feliz con los resultados, ahora goza de una excelente salud en general, los recomiendo mucho.
The best in supplements
My husband was taking antibiotics and his digestive system was a mess, everything he ate did him wrong. I bought him these products and he couldn't be happier with the results, he now has great health in general, and I highly recommend them.
este producto es muy bueno me esta ayudando con mi digestion y los gases recoemndado al 100% muy buen producto me gustaria solo un poco mas de ayuda cuando hago mis preguntas eso es todo me encantan estos productos gracias life infused
Llevo varios años consumiendo las enzimas digestivas y el cleanse y los beneficios han sido tantos que se han vuelto básicos en mi rutina. Productos de muy buena calidad y sobre todo efectivos.
Theyve become part of my life.
Ive been taking digestive enzymes and cleanse for years, the benefits have been so many they are now part of my routine. Quality products and effective on top of it.
Estos productos me cambiaron la vida. Desde niña he sido estreñida y me inflamo por todo. Es increíble como desde la primera toma de enzimas noté la diferencia. Amooo!
These products have changed my life. Since I was a kid I've dealt with constipation and inflammation. It's incredible how I could tell a difference since the first time taking enzymes. Love them.
A gentle, yet powerful colon cleanse powered by oxygenated magnesium, premium herbs and enzymes.
Ends constipation, gently
Detoxifies the blood, colon, liver and kidneys
Improves digestion and nutrient absorption
Promotes regularity
Ends bloating, gas and water retention
The only complete probiotic system that combines 13 high-potency probiotic strains with essential enzymes to improve digestion and support immune function.
Increase nutrient absorption
Enhance Immune Health
Boost Your Energy Levels
Ease gas, bloating and indigestion
Help Create and unlock Enzymes for a healthy metabolic system
Supports colon health and bowe regularity
How to Use
Detox Bundle
It’s as easy as 1-2-3 to use the Detox Bundle
For the best results:
- Take one (1) capsule with water before each meal
- Take one (1) capsule daily on an empty stomach for 3-5 days. (Take one hour before meals or two hours after.)
- Increase to two (2) capsules daily on an empty stomach
To clear-up constipation or for a first cleanse:
- Initial: Take three (3) capsules with a full glass of water with food or on an empty stomach. If you do not achieve 3-5 bowel movements during the next day, increase the amount of capsules you take by an additional two (2) each night until you achieve 3-5 bowel movements the following day. Continue with this amount for 5 more days.
For Daily Maintenance
- Maintenance: Take your (adjusted) serving size 2-3 times per week, or as desired. General: Drink plenty of water while using this product. Optional: Add the juice of half a lemon to the water for best results.
Use Notes:
It’s important when cleansing to always drink plenty of water. Depending on your specific need, it’s also good to avoid dairy, meats, added sugars and processed foods. A diet full of organic fruits and vegetables is ideal to support your health, encourage normal bowel function and keep the digestive tract healthy and active.