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lazy bowel syndrome

Lazy Bowel Syndrome: A Good Reason to Avoid Laxatives

Lazy bowel syndrome is a term that describes slowed, weak or stopped muscle movement in the colon that results in waste moving slowly (or not at all). It’s also known as atonic colon or colon stasis.

How Often Should I Do a Colon Cleanse?

How often should I do a colon cleanse? It’s really a misleading question. Ideally, your colon should cleanse itself completely at least once a day.

What to do when constipated?

What to Do When Constipated

There are three steps you should take when constipated. The first step is for anyone currently suffering from constipation. Steps two and three help to reduce its occurrence in the future, preventing your discomfort and injury caused by stool sitting in the colon.


10 Benefits of Plant-based Digestive Enzymes

Plants are unique. They contain the enzymes needed to break them down for digestion. If you take an apple fresh from the tree and start chewing, it releases enzymes that go to work breaking down its sugars and fibers.

happy family

Are Digestive Enzymes Good for You?

Many people today, especially in the U.S., have started supplementing with digestive enzymes. They take them to ease gas, bloating and indigestion. Some take them to reduce inflammation.

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