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The 6 Amazing Benefits of Drinking Detox Water

The benefits of drinking detox water and hydration in general. When reading the above claims for detox water, you might think sounds great, but is it true? The short answer is no.

How long does it take to heal a leaky gut?

A leaky gut wreaks havoc on your health. Once you think you have it, you start to wonder: how long does it take to heal a leaky gut? You might even wonder if you can.

Algae Supplements: The Next Superfood

Blue-green algae supplements continue to grow in popularity. Search online and you’ll find a host of options from a variety of different sources.

What is the Best Candida Cleanse?

If you’re planning to do a Candida cleanse of your digestive tract, you should know that Candida is a tough yeast to get rid of. You can, but it won’t go easily. Doing a complete cleanse requires a little planning.

Digestive Enzymes and Weight Loss

Gone are the days of the “calories in-calories out” paradigm – when people believed weight loss was nothing more than taking in good calories and exercising off the excess calories.

How Often Should I Do a Colon Cleanse?

How often should I do a colon cleanse? It’s really a misleading question. Ideally, your colon should cleanse itself completely at least once a day.

10 best detox herbs and nutrients

10 Best Detox Herbs and Nutrients

A lot of herbs and nutrients can help detox the body. If you’re looking to do a thorough detox, you don’t just want those that help – you want the ones that will deliver real results.

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