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How to Remove Mucoid Plaque Naturally

If you’ve done any research on colon cleansing, you might have seen talk of mucoid plaque. It sounds awful and gross. And if you have it, you certainly want to get rid of it.

What is a Toxin Flush?

Your body needs to work hard to get rid of every chemical you absorb, breathe, eat, or drink. Fortunately, it’s designed to naturally detox. Unfortunately, your system can get overwhelmed. And if it does, it starts storing the toxins in your tissues to dispose of later, or those toxins disrupt your metabolism.

Bowel Detoxification

The terms detox and cleanse are often used interchangeably. Yet, they really describe two very different processes. Both have value. In fact, you should plan regular cleanses and detoxes. How you schedule them, how you do them, and which you need most depend on many factors.

Detox vs. Cleanse: Which do you need?

The terms detox and cleanse are often used interchangeably. Yet, they really describe two very different processes. Both have value. In fact, you should plan regular cleanses and detoxes. How you schedule them, how you do them, and which you need most depend on many factors.

What is Colon Hydrotherapy Treatment?

Otherwise known as colonic irrigation or colonics, colon hydrotherapy involves flushing water through the colon (aka large intestine) to clear it of waste build-up and clean it. Colon hydrotherapy may be used to prepare patients for certain medical treatments.

Fastest Way to Get Rid of Toxins in Your Body

Spring is on its way, and maybe you are considering a spring cleanse for your body. If you have suffered weight gain over the winter or simply feel in need of detoxification, now is a great time to make some healthy changes.

How to Take Colon Cleanse Pills

When colon cleanse pills work, they might feel like magic. But they’re not. You can take them when you get stopped up, but if you go back to eating and living the way you did before the problems started, you won’t get the best results.

Foods That Clean Your Gut

While archaeologists often like to tell us what wonderful hunters our ancestors were, the truth is probably more complex than that. In fact, emerging evidence shows us that ancient humans ate an extremely diverse diet, consuming lots of vegetables and only small amounts of red meat.

Homemade Egg and Dairy-Free Eggnog Recipe

We share with you this super delicious and dairy-free recipe from our Health Coach @alidavegan, ideal for this Christmas Season.

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VeganRecipes by AlidaVegan